COP23: Zero amazon deforestation

In the context of the COP 23 forest day, representatives from Greenpeace, Imaflora and Imazon, which are part of the Amazon Environmental Research Institute gave an outline of their recent report on a pathway to zero deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. Presentation of the recent report: a pathway to zero deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon […]

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COP23: Wrap-up first week

By: Claudia Steinacker “I hear no objections, it is so decided.” As observer in the Bula zone, this sentence was the most heard during the first days of the 23rd Conference of the Parties . Most meetings in the first days of the COP23 still dealt with organizational matters, such as agreeing on the structure […]

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COP23: Biennial Update Report

By: Steve Kwatcho Kengdo Parallel to informal consultations of the meetings and protocol bodies of the convention where we had limited access, the workshop for the facilitative sharing of views (FSV) under the international consultation and analysis (ICA) process for developing country Parties was organized under the Subsidiary Body of Implementation (SBI) at this 47th […]

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