GCE at COP 29: Experiences, Outcomes, and Key Takeaways

In November 2024, four GCEs had the opportunity to attend the 29th Conference of the Parties (COP29) in Baku, Azerbaijan as observers. This event is held every year in different countries by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) with the aim of negotiating and agreeing on global strategies to combat climate change. […]

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Planetary Health: A Vision for The Future

As we have highlighted in previous blog posts, our planet’s and its people’s health is deeply interconnected and depends on thriving ecosystems and a stable climate.However, unprecedented challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and growing health disparities underscore the need to change our current approaches to, for example, economics and ecosystems. Therefore, in this […]

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A Tough Nut to Crack: Saving the Planet One Meal at a Time

Disclaimer: This blog entry is the third of four on planetary health. Flexitarian, paleo, keto, vegan – with so many diverse diets out there and new ones seemingly being developed each year, finding your perfect fit can feel overwhelming. One recent addition to this list of diets is the Planetary Health Diet (PHD). This addition attempts to tackle two of […]

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From Anxiety to Action: Embracing Hope in a Planetary Health Crisis

Every day, news about rising temperatures, natural disasters, biodiversity loss, or melting ice caps seems to get worse. It’s challenging not to feel a growing sense of worry about the future. Emerging global difficulties are weighing heavily on an increasing number of people, and they are not just environmental issues; they are also impacting our […]

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ENB-Cup in Regensburg 2024

On the 8th of June it was time again to participate in the yearly football cup of the Elite Network of Bavaria. This time it was set to be played in Regensburg, why we left Bayreuth in the early morning. This year’s team consist out of around 15 alumni, spectators and current GCEs, equipped with […]

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an old world map and a compass

All maps are wrong, but some are useful

Maps are fun, colourful, and informative. In my faculty at the University, almost every research paper comes with maps. However, I believe that there is a lack of “mapucation” (map education) or understanding of how to properly use, interpret, and even misinterpret maps. This blog entry will hopefully be thought-provoking and add additional angles to […]

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GCE Excursion to Bamberg 2023

What an exciting (and early) morning! The new GCE cohort from 2023 met on the 13th of October 2023 at 7:45 am at the GEO bus stop to start our first trip together as the new cohort. Together with Prof. Köllner, we got to explore interesting and beautiful places in Upper Franconia, an area that […]

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Empowering the Young – Visiting the LCOY Climate Conference 2023

Although Climate Change is a central topic in the GCE program, some aspects cannot be understood within the bubble of Bayreuth’s lecture halls. From 6th to 9th of October, Flemming, Luisa and Anna attended the Local Conference of Youth (LCOY) in Munich. Over 1500 students, pupils, and young people met to network and exchange ideas […]

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Sparking action: How awe can reconnect us to our planet

I am sure you have already lost yourself in the vastness of the universe. Felt like time had stopped, and with it the liberating feeling that the presentation you had to give the next day might not be that important after all. Imagine if we could harness the transformative power of these experiences to address […]

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Citizen science: when scientists and communities come together

Today, our natural world is suffering rapid alterations at large scales as consequence of environmental problems like climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution. Impacts like warming temperatures, modified rainfall patterns, as well as droughts and extreme events can shift species historic habitat ranges, as they “follow” livable conditions; or these impacts can also be factors […]

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From Bayreuth to Sharm-el-Sheikh: GCEs at COP27

23 Global Change Ecology (GCE) students* from the University of Bayreuth were granted the privilege of participating as observers in the 27th Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Sharm-el-Sheikh, Egypt, from November 6th to 19th 2022. COP conferences broadly provide a platform for negotiating international […]

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Localising climate conversation – The Local Conference of Youth (LCOY) Germany

YOUNGO, as the official children and youth constituency of UNFCCC, runs various formats of Conference of Youth (COY) to empower youth and formally bring their voices to the UNFCCC processes to shape the intergovernmental climate change policies. To strive for universal accessibility, true inclusion, and diversity, YOUNGO’s events range from global (GCOY) via virtual (vCOY) […]

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EuroScience Open Forum, Leiden 2022

This year, the EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF) was held in Leiden, Netherlands. This edition of the ESOF is not only special because it happens in a more or less post-pandemic scenario, but also because it marks the EuroScience 25th anniversary and the 10th Edition of the ESOF. The EuroScience is a non-profit organization of researchers […]

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2022 UN Ocean Conference

The health of the ocean is under severe threat, despite its importance for people and the planet. To combat this, the United Nations dedicated SDG 14 to ocean issues, and has so far held two Ocean Conferences – one in 2017, and one very recently in 2022. To learn more about the ocean and my […]

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Reflections on IPBES 9

This year, Global Change Ecology students had the opportunity to join representatives from 139 member states, high-profile stakeholders and NGOs in attending the ninth session of the Plenary of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES 9). Every year, this intergovernmental panel convenes to address the state of biodiversity and ecosystem services […]

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Field notes from Nairobi, Kenya

Writing a social science master thesis in GCE For my master thesis, I set out to understand how people use energy in an informal settlement in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya in East Africa. That is a particularity for GCE students because most master thesis are written in natural science disciplines. Instead, mine is dealing […]

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Brazilian Biomes: Intro Series

In all its 8.5 million km² [1], Brazil contains six continental biomes: the Amazônia, the Pantanal, the Cerrado, the Caatinga, the Pampas, and the Mata Atlântica (Figure below). Each of these biomes have their own peculiarities, located in different climatic zones and hosting a wide variety of animal and plant species. Since the arrival of […]

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Shifting Baselines

If you think of somewhere pristine, what comes to your mind? Perhaps you think of the Galapagos Islands, remote areas of the Amazon, or some protected national park somewhere in the world. Wherever you think, you are probably wrong. Humans have been impacting the environment of our planet for thousands of years. Much has changed: […]

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CALL FOR APPLICATIONS for the M.Sc. Global Change Ecology

Apply now for the master’s programme Global Change Ecology at the University of Bayreuth, an interdisciplinary graduate programme that deals with global change and its environmental, ecological and societal aspects. It aims to train highly qualified leaders for tasks and problem solving in science, environmental protection and political or economic decision making. Part of the […]

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KIT Summer School 2021: Land Use and Ecosystem Change

As Summer approaches and we can finally enjoy the gift of studying together in a non-virtual environment again, I thought of sharing my experience of a great Summer School opportunity. I took this School on “Land Use and Ecosystem Change” organized by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology last year and this year’s application is still […]

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A Movement for Water: Brave Blue World Review

It is an undeniable truth that water is a key element to life on Earth. However, our Blue Planet faces a water crisis that is not taken seriously worldwide. To bring this matter to light, “Brave Blue World: Racing to solve our water crisis” goes to space and back to Earth to alert, explain the […]

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The SDGs Series (Goal 6): Clean Water and Sanitation for all

        Water is a natural resource that is indispensable for life on the planet. Known as the Blue Planet, Earth has 71% of its surface covered by water. Nevertheless, out of the total amount of water present on our planet, 97% is in the oceans and only 3% is freshwater; this last comprising water in glaciers […]

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ABC of Climate Justice

Climate justice is social justice Have you ever asked yourself what does a jaguar or a tree have in common with you? My short answer would be that we live in the same house called Earth, that our food comes from the same soil, and we all need water every day to live. Being on […]

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The Global Risks Report 2022: A call for awakening

The COVID-19 pandemic has had unprecedented impacts across various spheres. To this day, the world is still trying to recover from the damages the pandemic has caused, while also trying to stop further negative impacts. Last month World Economic Forum released the 17th edition of the Global Risks Report. As every year, the report assesses […]

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GCE Alumni (14): PhD in Soil Physics at the ETH Zürich

The Elite Network of Bavaria master’s programme “Global Change Ecology” (GCE) started in 2006 at the University of Bayreuth. Since then, several GCE students have already completed their degree. In 2020, we started the GCE Alumni series to check in with our past students and foster connection within the programme. Here we get updates (and […]

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Bringing Nature Forward: The BiodiverCities by 2030 report

The Davos Agenda, the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting to address the most pressing global challenges, took place over the last week. There, the BiodiverCities by 2030: Transforming Cities’ Relationship with Nature report was first released on Monday (17.01.2021). BiodiverCities by 2030(1) is an initiative of the World Economic Forum and the Alexander von Humboldt […]

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Wishing you a merry Christmas: A Winter Poem

The pulse that brings life The beginning of the world A life-changing decision The start of a new season ______ I see nature enduring winter With the beauty of the snow The lost leaves in Autumn Leading to future growth ______ It’s a time to hibernate And a time to reflect Moment to celebrate And […]

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Five Weeks at a Climate Change Hotspot

As part of a Master’s course at the University Centre of Svalbard, I spent five weeks on Svalbard, a Norwegian archipelago in the High Arctic. The University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS) is the world’s northernmost higher education institution, located in Longyearbyen at 78º North, only about 1300 km from the North Pole. UNIS offers research-based […]

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COP26 Summary of Week 2

This article will give you insights into the outcomes of the COP26 including personal experiences from us students.  Ahead of COP26, expectations were high. These hopes were born out of urgency — the window to avert the worsening effects of climate change is rapidly closing. We know what is happening and we know why. The question […]

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COP26 Summary of Week 1

The United Nations Climate Change conference has been held every year since 1995. At the Conference of the Parties (COP), organized by the UNFCCC, parties come together to discuss solutions for combating climate change. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, COP26 was delayed one year. The pandemic and all that has come along with it makes […]

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Global Change Ecology at COP26

On Sunday, the 31st of October, governments, industries, NGOs, and other stakeholders, come together in Glasgow for the 26th Conference of the Parties (COP). Expectations for this year’s COP are high, some voices even say too high, preparing for a failure because they believe that the countries will not be able to deliver.   Why are expectations so high?   Since Paris, Glasgow is the […]

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GCE students explore the Fichtelgebirge

At the end of a week full of informative and fun events for the new GCE cohort, all GCE students were invited to go on an excursion with Prof. Carl Beierkuhnlein. We visited various places in and around the Fichtelgebirge, and learned a lot about the area’s geology, flora and history.  When the excursion started […]

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The true cost of your closet

When we shop for new clothes, a factor that most of us consider is how much we spend. However, while seeking out the best deals, many of us aren’t thinking about what the tag leaves out: a hidden, but steep, environmental and social cost. In fact, the price of your new outfit is probably higher […]

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Community-supported agriculture – a transformative approach

As it has been made clear in some of our previous blog posts, food insecurity is a great concern. Additionally, conventional farming harbors issues in itself. One approach to increase local food security and to move away from conventional agriculture and the corporate-driven global food production is community-supported agriculture. Community-supported agriculture (CSA) originated in Japan […]

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Aarhus Summer School 2021: Climate Change – Cross-disciplinary challenges and solutions

Wicked problems are issues with many interdependent factors, which make them seem impossible to be solved. Since the factors are often incomplete, in flux, and/or difficult to define, a deep understanding of the stakeholders involved, and innovative solution-oriented approaches are required to solve wicked problems. For instance, climate change is a wicked problem. And that’s […]

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The Wadden Sea – A UNESCO World Heritage Site

Sandy beaches, large tides, a hotspot for biodiversity … sounds like a beautiful, faraway place? In fact, it is not far from home at all. On the north coast of Germany lies the largest tidal flat system in the world: the Wadden Sea. Given that millions of tourists head there every year – and you […]

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The SDGs Series (Goal 4): Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education for all

Education is the foundation upon which a prosperous and well-functioning society is built. On an individual basis, a quality education allows a person to cultivate the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to be engaged, productive, and self-governing citizens. This translates to enhanced socioeconomic status and empowerment, as well as reduced poverty and crime [1, 2, […]

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Potsdam Summer School 2021: Water Our Global Common Good

            In the words of American anthropologist Loren Eiseley, “If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.” Without water, there would not be life on this planet – that means no trees, nor fruits, no vast oceans, nor stunning waterfalls, no us… Simply put, there wouldn’t be Earth. Water is a […]

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Climate Change and its Impact on Global Food Supply and Nutrition

Current malnutrition As malnutrition has been identified as a serious health-related problem affecting developed and developing countries around the world alike, the United Nations (UN) has named the time between 2016 and 2025 the Decade of Action on Nutrition [1]. With the aim of reducing global malnutrition as well as diet-related non-communicable diseases by 2025, […]

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The One Health approach to mitigate global health crisis related to ecological and environmental drivers

Why do we need a One health approach? The last one and a half years have drastically shown how vulnerable mankind is on earth. The Covid-19 pandemic has revealed the many problems we face today but also in the future. Since Covid-19 disease originates from zoonotic coronavirus, there is a strong linkage between humans, animals, […]

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GCE Summer Fête 2021

Every year between July and August, the GCE programme hosts current students, alumni, professors of the program, and friends as they all come together to celebrate, network, and learn more about each other’s cultures at the Summer Fête. Given the cancellation in 2020, this year’s event was particularly anticipated – and it certainly delivered a […]

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GCE Excursion to Bamberg

In July the 2020 GCE cohort was finally able to go on the yearly excursion to the Fränkische Schweiz and Bamberg with Prof. Carl Beierkuhnlein and Prof. Eva Lehndorff. It was the first time since the beginning of our studies in Bayreuth in autumn 2020 that our whole cohort could see each other in person, […]

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GCE students at IPBES-8

Earlier this month, 17 GCE students and alumni had the privilege to take part in the 8th Conference of the IPBES plenary. Usually, this is a large event that offers many chances for students to network. As the conference took place online this year, there was unfortunately no opportunity to personally meet any of the […]

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Online Module on International Nature Conservation 2021

An important element of the Global Change Ecology programme lies in the completion of science schools. Students have a lot of freedom in choosing particular schools to participate in. This allows for plenty of flexibility and gives GCEs the opportunity to delve deeper into subjects that they already have an established interest in, or perhaps […]

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Rewild the World: A Life on Our Planet Review

We need to rediscover how to become a part of nature once again. This sense seems to have been forgotten in humanity through time. An identity that should be reawakened within ourselves. This understanding, grounded in sustainability, can save our planet – as well as ourselves. This is the core message delivered in David Attenborough’s […]

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Finally on the field again!

Summer is here, Covid-19 cases are finally declining and some of the restrictions were lifted. For over a year now, GCE students – as everyone else – have been sitting in front of their laptops, clicking from one zoom meeting to the next, with no face-to-face contact to their fellow students. Many students have not […]

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Climate and Biodiversity Crises: Two Parts of One Problem

Climate change and biodiversity loss represent fundamental challenges that must be addressed in order to maintain a functioning planet on which people can have a good quality of life. Yet, these two issues exist within a complex system, where their interactions complicate the formation of an effective response. This could partly explain why, up to […]

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International Day for Biological Diversity

Each year, we celebrate the International Day for Biological Diversity, or Biodiversity Day, on May 22. The United Nations sponsors this event as a way to increase understanding and awareness of biodiversity issues across the world [1, 2, 3, 15]. The Convention on Biological Diversity and Biodiversity Day In the late 1980’s, the United Nations […]

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The SDGs Series (Goal 2): Zero Hunger

There are 7,865,834,495 [1] people (and counting!) currently alive on our planet. Out of that count, around 9 million people die of hunger each year [3]. It is clear that at the same time as humanity faces other struggles, like the COVID-19 pandemic or climate change, hunger remains a major threat and concern for us […]

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How to Tackle Climate Change with Green COVID-19 Recovery Packages

Context The coronavirus pandemic has affected societies, governments and economies across the world. Due to the numerous restrictions put in place to deal with this health crisis, many businesses are struggling, and layoffs are unavoidable in some areas. These pandemic restrictions have led to a temporary decrease in carbon emissions which has unexpectedly caused some […]

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GCE Alumni (13): Expert with the BiodiverCities by 2030 Initiative

The Elite Network of Bavaria master’s programme “Global Change Ecology” (GCE) started in 2006 at the University of Bayreuth. Since then, several GCE students have already completed their degree. Last year, we began the GCE Alumni series to check in with our past students and foster connection within the programme. Here we get updates (and […]

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Covid-19: Ringing in the century of renewable energies

Shortly after the appearance of the novel Covid-19 virus in the European Union (EU) in January 2020, governments enacted national lockdowns as containment measures (ECDC 2020). Since these measures included a shutdown of many major industrial activities, almost all EU member states consequently saw a significant decline in energy demand during spring 2020. Accordingly, electricity […]

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GCE Alumni (12): PhD at the Professorship of Ecological Services

The Elite Network of Bavaria master’s programme “Global Change Ecology” (GCE) started in 2006 at the University of Bayreuth. Since then, several GCE students have already completed their master´s degree. Interested to know about the career development and lives of our alumni, we started the GCE Alumni series of interviews last year. Here we cover […]

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How a virus stopped us from flattening the plastic curve

If you have been to the University campus at the beginning of November, when the latest lockdown came into effect, you would have probably noticed a lot of plastic waste laying around. Due to new restrictions, the cafeteria had to swap from dine-in to take-out food from one day to the next. This resulted in […]

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UNESCO’s Blue Carbon Assets

“Blue carbon” is the term for carbon that is captured by the world’s ocean and coastal ecosystems including seagrass meadows, tidal marshes, and mangroves. These areas often contain species diversity, singular ecosystems, unique geological processes, and can be exceptionally beautiful. Despite this, they are often overlooked in conservation, especially when compared to more popularized ecosystems […]

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M.Sc. Global Change Ecology, University of Bayreuth, Germany – Application open until June 15th 2021

Dear Sir/Madam, We would like to advertise the application deadline this summer for an attractive and intense international MSc study program in Global Change Ecology at the University of Bayreuth in Germany. Either you in person or bachelor students and graduates around may be interested in this qualification. The program is devoted to understanding and […]

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Thank the Earth: “Kiss the Ground” Film Review

One day, while scrolling through a streaming service catalogue looking for something to watch, I came across this documentary, the name of which caught my attention: “Kiss the Ground.” I was promptly intrigued by the beautiful symbology. It made me think about gratitude for the planet, for the fact that I breathe, for the food […]

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GCE Alumni (11): Fire Management, Peatlands and Climate Change Specialist at FAO

The Elite Network of Bavaria master’s programme “Global Change Ecology” (GCE) started in 2006 at the University of Bayreuth. Since then, several GCE students have already completed their master´s degree. Interested to know about the career development and lives of our alumni, we started the GCE Alumni series of interviews last year. Here we cover […]

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The SDGs Series (Goal 1): End poverty in all of its forms everywhere

Poverty eradication has always been at the core front of the United Nations. In the year 2000, in the Millenium Declaration, 189 countries agreed to devote themselves to “spare no effort to free our fellow men, women and children from the abject and dehumanizing conditions of extreme poverty”. By setting the “International Poverty Line”, the […]

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Do you want to talk about the climate?

Leading conversations about climate change and sharing personal stories allows not only for supporting a social mandate for climate policies, but also creates an opportunity for you to learn something new from a stranger, friend, or relative.

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Indo-German Centre for Sustainability Winter School

Science Schools are an integral part of the MSc Global Change Ecology programme at the Universität Bayreuth. All of our students join several seasonal schools every year, that cover interdisciplinary topics on sustainability and climate action. In this context, today, we have the opportunity to get to know the GCE 2019 student Yun-Yun Tsai and […]

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Insights into Marine Research

MSc GCE Student Karina Krapf joined the Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Research last summer. This was her second time joining this team. Here, Karina shares a brief update on her experience.

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GCE Alumni (10): Senior Associate at KPMG Germany

The master´s programme “Global Change Ecology” (GCE) started in 2006. Since that time, some GCE students have already completed their Master´s degree.We are interested to know what has been happening in the lives of our former GCE students. A few GCE alumni told us about GCE and how their careers have continued after they had […]

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EcoSum Initiative Autumn School

           This past Autumn I had the opportunity to take part in the EcoSum Initiative Science School. This autumn school is organised by PhD ecology students from the Laboratoire d’Ecologie Alpine (LECA) – a joint research unit that gathers researchers from the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), the Université Grenoble Alpes and Université Savoie […]

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MSc GCE Alumni Organization

Students, professors and administrators in the MSc Global Change Ecology are often referred to as the GCE family, and this is not without reason. The elite, international study program attracts people from all over the world to work together in tackling global ecological challenges. Through the typical four semesters of study, close friendships, collaborations, and […]

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MSc GCE Welcomes New Coordinator

In addition to 28 new students, the MSc Global Change Ecology program welcomed a new coordinator this winter semester! Sylvia Sprödhuber has joined Stephanie Thomas in GCE Coordination as a successor to former coordinator Anja Jaeschke. Sylvia additionally works as a coordinator of the Bayreuth-Melbourne Colloid/Polymer Network in the International Office at the University of Bayreuth. Previously she was already […]

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Study for life

In 2006, the first year of the international master’s program “Global Change Ecology” (GCE) within the Elite Network of Bavaria began its studies. Since then, several cohorts have completed their studies. Preparations are already underway for the newest year 2020, which will bring together students from all over the world in Bayreuth this autumn. Several […]

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Studieren für das Leben

2006 nahm der erste Jahrgang des internationalen Masterstudienganges „Global Change Ecology“ (GCE) im Elitenetzwerk Bayern sein Studium auf. Seitdem haben einige Jahrgänge das Studium abgeschlossen und es laufen bereits die Vorbereitungen für den neuesten Jahrgang 2020, welcher aus der ganzen Welt im Herbst in Bayreuth zusammenkommen wird. Mehrere GCE-Alumni berichteten über ihre Zeit nach dem […]

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Sustainable Development (Goals)

Lately, one of the most common buzzwords is “sustainability”. We see it everywhere… On the news, in advertisements, in political speeches… So often and deemed of such importance that it became a standardized front for big companies to present a green image (“We are sustainable!”) – that sometimes is not accurate. Even though sustainability should […]

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Klimawald Bayreuth Wins Blauer Kompass 2020 Competition

Blauer Kompass is a competition hosted by the German Federal Environment Agency with the aim of honoring projects which address the consequences of climate change. Winners receive press coverage and publicity. This year’s competition received over 160 applications for three different categories: private and municipal companies, research and educational institutions, and associations and foundations. There […]

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The Waste Disease: “A Plastic Ocean” Review

Dear Reader, Some of you may know that I am from Brazil and I have a Bachelor of Science in Sanitation and Environmental Engineering. Among the subjects I studied was waste management. Considering we are constantly generating waste on this planet, it struck me that only in 2010 a law that concerns waste management was […]

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GCE Alumni (8): Climate journalist for “Tagesspiegel”

The master´s programme “Global Change Ecology” (GCE) started in 2006. Since that time, some GCE students have already completed their Master´s degree.We are interested to know what has been happening in the lives of our former GCE students. A few GCE alumni told us about GCE and how their careers have continued after they had […]

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Alternative Economic and Monetary Systems (AEMS) Summer School 2020

An important element of the Global Change Ecology master program is active participation in science schools. This allows students to delve deeper into subjects that interest them, or perhaps to learn more about topics they are not familiar with. These courses also provide an opportunity for students to make connections and develop a strong international […]

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EuroScience Open Forum, Trieste 2020

The EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF) is a biennial gathering of diverse participants from scientific, political, journalistic, and other backgrounds. The event provides a unique opportunity to share, discuss and debate the latest advancements in science as well as explore the ethical, regulatory, social, and political aspects of emerging technologies. I was fortunate to attend the […]

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GCE Alumni (7): Manager for local climate protection in Erlangen

The master´s programme “Global Change Ecology” (GCE) started in 2006. Since that time, some GCE students have already completed their Master´s degree.We are interested to know what has been happening in the lives of our former GCE students. A few GCE alumni told us about GCE and how their careers have continued after they had […]

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A tale of “known unknowns” and “unknown unknowns”

Economies around the world are suffering from more than 10% contraction, a substantial share of which will be permanent. At the same time, countries like the US will be taking on more debt this year than its whole economy can produce in 2020 – a first on any scale, even considering war times. These headlines […]

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GCE Alumni (6): Research manager at UZH and ETH Zurich

The master´s programme “Global Change Ecology” (GCE) started in 2006. Since that time, some GCE students have already completed their Master´s degree.We are interested to know what has been happening in the lives of our former GCE students. A few GCE alumni told us about GCE and how their careers have continued after they had […]

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Stories of Climate Change Hope, a Podcast

Students of Global Change Ecology have a reputation for being creatively engaged citizens and Steffen Schwardmann is no exception. Having just completed his second semester at the University of Bayreuth, he has also launched a podcast, Stories of Climate Change Hope. I invited Steffen to an interview to better understand where he’s coming from with the […]

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GCE Hike 2020

Following a special – and why not to say “atypical” – semester, this past Saturday (25.07.20) the GCE Get Together finally happened The current Summer Semester 2020 has been a peculiar semester for everyone in the academic community. An important time for learning, being comprehensive and active, at the same as being responsible about the […]

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GCE Alumni (4): Project manager at “Grüne Liga”

The master´s programme “Global Change Ecology” (GCE) started in 2006. Since that time, some GCE students have already completed their Master´s degree.We are interested to know what has been happening in the lives of our former GCE students. A few GCE alumni told us about GCE and how their careers have continued after they had […]

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NASA Funded Biodiversity Projects

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, or NASA, is an independent agency of the United States Government which oversees the civilian space program and other aeronautics and space research. NASA’s  contribution to science is expansive, however, and it’s now funded four different initiatives aimed to support scientists, land managers and other decision makers by making […]

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GCE Alumni (3): Lecturer at the German University Bangladesh

The master´s programme “Global Change Ecology” (GCE) started in 2006. Since that time, some GCE students have already completed their Master´s degree.We are interested to know what has been happening in the lives of our former GCE students. A few GCE alumni told us about GCE and how their careers have continued after they had […]

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GCE Alumni (2): Consultant at the sustainable AG

The master´s programme “Global Change Ecology” (GCE) started in 2006. Since that time, some GCE students have already completed their Master´s degree.We are interested to know what has been happening in the lives of our former GCE students. A few GCE alumni told us about GCE and how their careers have continued after they had […]

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Internship Experience at TES Water Treatment in Hockenheim

           Before starting my Global Change Ecology Master in Bayreuth I did an internship at the TES Water Treatment company in Hockenheim, Germany. TES stands for trade, engineering, and service in the water treatment realm. This company sells various water treatment products such as ion exchanger, reverse-osmosis membranes, pressure pipes and valves, EDIs, and activated carbon. […]

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GCE Alumni (1): PostDoc at the University of Greifswald

The master´s programme “Global Change Ecology” (GCE) started in 2006. Since that time, some GCE students have already completed their Master´s degree.We are interested to know what has been happening in the lives of our former GCE students. A few GCE alumni told us about GCE and how their careers have continued after they had […]

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GCE History: First Year (2006)

Manuel Steinbauer, Professor of Sport Ecology at the University of Bayreuth since 2019, was a student of GCE the very first year it began, 2006. The GCE blog team was able to conduct an interview with the GCE alumni, which included recollections from the beginnings of the master’s degree programme “Global Change Ecology”. Manuel Steinbauer […]

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GCE-Geschichte: Erster Jahrgang (2006)

Manuel Steinbauer, seit 2019 Professor für Sportökologie an der Universität Bayreuth, gehörte zu den Studierenden des allerersten GCE-Jahrgangs 2006. Der GCE-Blog konnte ein Interview mit dem GCE-Alumni führen, wobei es auch um die Anfänge des Masterstudiengangs „Global Change Ecology“ (GCE) ging. Manuel Steinbauer erzählte begeistert von der keinen Gruppe des ersten Jahrgangs, der damals noch […]

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Application deadline for winter term 2020/2021: 15 June 2020

The application deadline for the winter term 2020/2021 is approaching: GCE looks forward to receive applications by 15 June 2020.You can find more information about the application requirements and process here.If you cannot find your question in our FAQs, please feel free to contact the GCE coordination. We are looking forward to your application and […]

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Knowing vs. Changing

What changes behavior is much deeper than knowledge. Behavior change can be a complex equation of esteem, culture, support, prioritization and, particularly, access: choice is a prerequisite to change, and a lot of people don’t have access to an equivalent alternative, or REAL choice, in their lives (e.g. where they shop, what they eat, the clothes they wear, how they heat their homes).

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Covid & the Environment

Turns out the human response to Covid-19 has had a measurable effect on the environment and presents novel opportunities for research. But what about reporting that is not research backed? And will affects such as reduced pollution last? Here is a brief overview of recent updates.

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„Klimawald“ – Climate tolerant forests

The consequences of climate change can no longer be overlooked in some of Germany’s forests. To address this, three students from the international master’s program “Global Change Ecology” (GCE) in the Elite Network of Bavaria initiated the “Klimawald” project. Together with around 250 helpers, they planted seedlings of climate-tolerant tree species in a forest area […]

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„Klimawald“ – Klimatolerante Wälder

Die Folgen des Klimawandels sind in einigen Wäldern Deutschlands nicht mehr zu übersehen. Um dem etwas entgegenzusetzen, initiierten drei Studierende des internationalen Masterstudiengangs „Global Change Ecology“ (GCE) im Elitenetzwerk Bayern das Projekt „Klimawald“. Zusammen mit etwa 250 HelferInnen pflanzten sie Setzlinge klimatoleranter Baumarten auf einer Waldfläche in Bayreuth ein. Das Interesse an dem Projekt ist […]

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From GCE student to professor

With the lecture “Understanding biodiversity dynamics – from human dominated systems to the fossil record”, Prof. Dr. Manuel Steinbauer presented his previous research work and discussed the focus of his new professorship “Sport Ecology” at the Bayreuth Center for Ecology and Environmental Research (BayCEER). The former student of the “Global Change Ecology” (GCE) master’s program […]

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Vom GCE-Studierenden zum Professor

Mit dem Vortrag „Understanding biodiversity dynamics – from human dominated systems to the fossil record” stellte Prof. Dr. Manuel Steinbauer im Bayreuther Zentrum für Ökologie und Umweltforschung (BayCEER) seine bisherigen Forschungsarbeiten vor und erörterte die Schwerpunkte seiner neuen Professur „Sportökologie“. Der ehemalige Studierende des Masterstudienganges „Global Change Ecology“ (GCE) im Elitenetzwerk Bayern wird somit zukünftig […]

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From Carbon Offset Week to COVID-19: The story of Klimawald

German Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) Dr. Gerd Müller, in the German Action Plan titled “The world needs forests”, described forests as the lungs of the earth. Ironically, today coronavirus is attacking the lungs of a human body. If we compare the corona crisis to climate change, hypothetically, we find that just […]

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From covid-tude to clima-tude (part 2/2)

COVID-19 has been valuable in showing us that nothing stays the same. The background atmosphere of calm, of largely well-functioning societies, of peace and safety is not guaranteed to us because of advances in democracy, the economy, ‘civilisation’ or technology. As far out of our control as the virus may seem, it is inherently more […]

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From covid-tude to clima-tude (part 1/2)

Take the acronym of Coronavirus Disease 2019, COVID-19, drop the 19, and attach an abbreviation of the word ‘attitude’ to create a portmanteau – covid-tude. It could refer to the attitude we are adopting during the COVID-19 crisis, one of sacrifice, resilience and dedication to our own and the greater good. While it is natural […]

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Utilising the potential of cultural diversity

The international master’s program “Global Change Ecology” (GCE) in the Elite Network Bavaria is characterized, among other things, by its international composition of the students who come together from all over the world in Bayreuth. This cultural diversity holds great opportunities for young people who are being prepared to take on global environmental changes such […]

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Das Potenzial kultureller Vielfalt nutzen

Der internationale Masterstudiengang „Global Change Ecology“ (GCE) im Elitenetzwerk Bayern zeichnet sich unter anderem durch die internationale Zusammensetzung der Studierenden aus. Diese kulturelle Vielfalt birgt große Chancen für junge Menschen, die darauf vorbereitet werden, sich globalen Umweltveränderungen wie dem Klimawandel anzunehmen. Um dieses Potenzial noch besser nutzen zu können, wurde der Workshop „Global Diversity Training“ […]

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21 GCE students successfully graduated in 2019

Everything has a beginning and an end: At the 9th of December, 2019, 11 GCE students travelled to Munich to attend the official graduation ceremony of the Elite Network of Bavaria. In total, 21 GCE students graduated in 2019 but some have already been on other places in Germany and the world in December. The […]

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2019 – The GCE Year in Review

The year 2019 is almost over. It was another fine and eventful year for GCE. Finally, it is time to look back: 28.04.2019 – 04.05.2019, Paris (France): 36 GCE students participated in the seventh plenary session of IPBES as “observers”. For more information click here 22.06.2019, Regensburg (Germany): GCE sent a football team to the […]

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Beautiful, Motivating and Healthy: House Plants

Photo: The 1st of December, 2019, is a frosty day It is a cold morning on the 1st of December, 2019, the first Sunday in advent. Frost colours the campus of the University of Bayreuth in a white scenery. Most students still seem to sleep, the campus is almost deserted at least. However, approaching the […]

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Warning and hope for our common future: IPBES 7

Uni Bayreuth Global Change Ecology students at the Seventh Plenary Session of the UN World Biodiversity Council: “IPBES” and the “Global Assessment Report” “On the way to ecological insolvency” (spiegel-online), “One million species threatened by extinction” (tagesschau.de), and “Humanity is eradicating nature from earth” (ZDFheute) were three among other similar headlines which suddenly appeared in […]

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Warnung und Hoffnung für unsere gemeinsame Zukunft: IPBES 7

Bayreuther „Global Change Ecology“-Studierende auf der siebten Vollversammlung des UN-Weltbiodiversitätsrats: „IPBES“ und der „Global Assessment Report“ „Auf dem Weg in die ökologische Insolvenz“ (spiegel-online), „Eine Million Arten vom Aussterben bedroht“ (tagesschau.de) und „Menschheit tilgt die Natur von der Erde“ (ZDFheute) sind drei von weiteren ähnlichen Überschriften, die am Montag, dem 06. Mai 2019, in den […]

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Final version of the summary of the IPBES Global Assessment Report is now available

“Nature across most of the globe has now been significantly altered by multiple human drivers, with the great majority of indicators of ecosystems and biodiversity showing rapid decline.” (p. 11) “Human actions threaten more species with global extinction now than ever before.” (p. 11) “Climate change is a direct driver that is increasingly exacerbating the […]

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Green New Deals: pick your green trend now !

Maybe the expression “Green New Deal” (GND) reminds you of this vague idea about the progressive wing of the US Democratic Party and their ambitious plan to transform the wealthiest economy of the world into a green economy? Well, if this is the case, you should know that the “Green New Deal” does not specifically […]

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Guardians of the Amazon

„But I want to come back to our land. I come from here. I know the paths of the forest, under the trees I can breathe, here I am free.” These words seem to match an old man who has spent his life close to nature, maybe a farmer or a gardener. But the person […]

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Welcome GCE Year 2019/20!

On October 14th, 2019, the next “GCE Year” was opened by the traditional “Welcome Meeting”. The new GCE students as well as “older” GCE students from previous years and the master´s programme coordination team came together at 16.00 o´clock. After the long summer break, some of the latest stories and adventures needed to be shared […]

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How the last IPCC report may change our diet

7.30 am, a rainy morning in July. It’s colder than the past few days which have been really warm, raindrops patter on the window. The first glance at my phone, a pop-up message from a newspaper is awaiting me: “IPCC: Global temperatures have risen by 1.5°C over land”. I want to sink back into bed, […]

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The 8th Way to Think Like a 21st Century Economist – Part 1 of 3

In her bestselling book ‘Doughnut Economics: seven ways to think like a 21st century economist’, economist Kate Raworth advises that we repurpose economics to fulfill humanity’s  goals for the 21st century, and proposes seven mindset shifts to this end.  At the center of her proposal is the doughnut, a simple visual tool expressing the safe space  […]

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GCE Summerfête 2019

It is a very sunny and hot afternoon, when the traditional GCE Summerfête 2019 takes place in the Ecological Botanical Garden on Saturday, June 29th 2019. At the beginning, the GCE student board 2019 is welcoming the guests. The guests are comprising lecturers, alumni, the latest generations of students, friends and offspring of GCE. Before […]

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A review on the World Conference for Science Journalists

Media is under fire, worldwide. Science as well – at least in some countries. The rise of nationalism and protectionism lead to less confidence in scientific findings as well as to more mistrust towards media. Fake news is another factor impacting people’s trust in news and science. Therefore, it is even more important that high […]

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Alpine Convention: Dealing with natural hazards

Like matches fallen out of their box, massive trees are sticking out the dirty masses of snow that cover the ground. It is as if a giant had played Mikado on the steep slope of the mountains. Debris, snow and ice chunks, trees and bushes – it looks like in an apocalyptic film. But it […]

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Klimawald Bayreuth: About planting trees and seeing change

„I feel responsibility for the project”, Kun Woo Ro says. He is sitting in the Asia section of the Ecological-Botanical Garden in Bayreuth, on a bench surrounded by blooming Rhododendron bushes. Yellow, orange and pink flowers are turning this part of the garden into a colourful idyll. The project he is talking about is “Klimawald […]

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IPBES 7: How to express the proceeding catastrophe?

“Human actions threaten more species with global extinction now than ever before.” (p. 11) “Nature across most of the globe has now been significantly altered by multiple human drivers, with the great majority of indicators of ecosystems and biodiversity showing rapid decline.” (p. 11) “Climate change is a direct driver that is increasingly exacerbating the […]

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One conference – 132 languages?

At the IPBES-7 conference, 132 member states cooperated. How did communication work with such a variety of different countries and languages? As I wanted to know more about it, I went to the interpretation cabins in one of the lunch breaks and spoke with a technician who was sitting next to the interpreters and who […]

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Diary: GCE at IPBES-7 (29-04-19 to 04-05-19)

GCE students daily reported from IPBES-7 in Paris:   +++ IPBES-7 Day 6 (04-05-19) +++ Today, the final IPBES 7 day took place. Obviously, for some delegates it was a pretty short night. Today´s time was restricted because the conference had to be finished by 18.00 o´clock at the latest. At around 09.30 o´clock, Dr. […]

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GCE at IPBES7 in Paris

From April 29th to May 4th, GCE students are attending the IPBES7 in Paris. IPBES is the “Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services”. It is an independent intergovernmental body which was established by governments in 2012 and currently consists of 132 member states. IPBES is a platform for dialog between the scientific community […]

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