Germany and Indonesia presenting themselves at COP19 – similar and different at the same time

In the many different side events, there are also plenty sessions organised by countries. Germany, for example, had a side event about the “Energiewende”, while Indonesia hosted one on “Securing a Low Carbon Future”. The two events had in common that the countries praised themselves for the efforts they are undertaking to reduce greenhouse gas […]

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Between doubt and hope at COP19

Day 2 at the COP – we’re less confused and more organised than we were yesterday. We pick the side events we find interesting, meet with other youth organisations, plan a meeting with members of the German parliament for tomorrow. Furthermore, it’s gender day today – calling to keep striving for gender balance in the […]

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Polluter pays principle at the climate conference – GCE at the COP 19 in Warsaw

Yesterday was our scientific day: we joined different side-events mainly organized by non governmental organizations and research institutions aiming on giving decision makers backgrounds of discussed topics. We finished up the day with an event organized by Central American countries about loss and damage. Developing countries suffer more from negative effects of climate change than […]

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