GCE at COP 29: Experiences, Outcomes, and Key Takeaways

In November 2024, four GCEs had the opportunity to attend the 29th Conference of the Parties (COP29) in Baku, Azerbaijan as observers. This event is held every year in different countries by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) with the aim of negotiating and agreeing on global strategies to combat climate change. […]

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ENB-Cup in Regensburg 2024

On the 8th of June it was time again to participate in the yearly football cup of the Elite Network of Bavaria. This time it was set to be played in Regensburg, why we left Bayreuth in the early morning. This year’s team consist out of around 15 alumni, spectators and current GCEs, equipped with […]

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GCE Excursion to Bamberg 2023

What an exciting (and early) morning! The new GCE cohort from 2023 met on the 13th of October 2023 at 7:45 am at the GEO bus stop to start our first trip together as the new cohort. Together with Prof. Köllner, we got to explore interesting and beautiful places in Upper Franconia, an area that […]

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OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: M.Sc. Global Change Ecology

Apply now for the master’s programme Global Change Ecology at the University of Bayreuth, an interdisciplinary graduate programme that deals with global change and its environmental, ecological and societal aspects. It aims to train highly qualified leaders for tasks and problem solving in science, environmental protection and political or economic decision making. Part of the […]

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Localising climate conversation – The Local Conference of Youth (LCOY) Germany

YOUNGO, as the official children and youth constituency of UNFCCC, runs various formats of Conference of Youth (COY) to empower youth and formally bring their voices to the UNFCCC processes to shape the intergovernmental climate change policies. To strive for universal accessibility, true inclusion, and diversity, YOUNGO’s events range from global (GCOY) via virtual (vCOY) […]

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EuroScience Open Forum, Leiden 2022

This year, the EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF) was held in Leiden, Netherlands. This edition of the ESOF is not only special because it happens in a more or less post-pandemic scenario, but also because it marks the EuroScience 25th anniversary and the 10th Edition of the ESOF. The EuroScience is a non-profit organization of researchers […]

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2022 UN Ocean Conference

The health of the ocean is under severe threat, despite its importance for people and the planet. To combat this, the United Nations dedicated SDG 14 to ocean issues, and has so far held two Ocean Conferences – one in 2017, and one very recently in 2022. To learn more about the ocean and my […]

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Field notes from Nairobi, Kenya

Writing a social science master thesis in GCE For my master thesis, I set out to understand how people use energy in an informal settlement in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya in East Africa. That is a particularity for GCE students because most master thesis are written in natural science disciplines. Instead, mine is dealing […]

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CALL FOR APPLICATIONS for the M.Sc. Global Change Ecology

Apply now for the master’s programme Global Change Ecology at the University of Bayreuth, an interdisciplinary graduate programme that deals with global change and its environmental, ecological and societal aspects. It aims to train highly qualified leaders for tasks and problem solving in science, environmental protection and political or economic decision making. Part of the […]

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