Guardians of the Amazon

„But I want to come back to our land. I come from here. I know the paths of the forest, under the trees I can breathe, here I am free.” These words seem to match an old man who has spent his life close to nature, maybe a farmer or a gardener. But the person […]

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How the last IPCC report may change our diet

7.30 am, a rainy morning in July. It’s colder than the past few days which have been really warm, raindrops patter on the window. The first glance at my phone, a pop-up message from a newspaper is awaiting me: “IPCC: Global temperatures have risen by 1.5°C over land”. I want to sink back into bed, […]

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A review on the World Conference for Science Journalists

Media is under fire, worldwide. Science as well – at least in some countries. The rise of nationalism and protectionism lead to less confidence in scientific findings as well as to more mistrust towards media. Fake news is another factor impacting people’s trust in news and science. Therefore, it is even more important that high […]

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Alpine Convention: Dealing with natural hazards

Like matches fallen out of their box, massive trees are sticking out the dirty masses of snow that cover the ground. It is as if a giant had played Mikado on the steep slope of the mountains. Debris, snow and ice chunks, trees and bushes – it looks like in an apocalyptic film. But it […]

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Klimawald Bayreuth: About planting trees and seeing change

„I feel responsibility for the project”, Kun Woo Ro says. He is sitting in the Asia section of the Ecological-Botanical Garden in Bayreuth, on a bench surrounded by blooming Rhododendron bushes. Yellow, orange and pink flowers are turning this part of the garden into a colourful idyll. The project he is talking about is “Klimawald […]

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Summendes Bayreuth: Studenten im Einsatz für die Biodiversität

„Es ist nicht deine Schuld, dass die Welt ist wie sie ist! Es wär nur deine Schuld, wenn sie so bleibt!“ Lauthals singen die „Summer“ in der kleinen gefliesten Küche mit, als der bekannte Ärzte-Song aus den Lautsprechern schallt, die auf einem Schränkchen stehen. Einige tanzen mit nacktem Oberkörper, es ist warm und stickig. Deine […]

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How students take the first step for biodiversity

„It is not your fault, the world is at it is. It would just be your fault if she stayed like this!” At the top of their voices, the “Summers” are singing the lyrics of the famous song of the German band “Die Ärzte”in the small, tiled kitchen. Some of them have taken off their […]

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Eine Unterschrift für den Erhalt der Artenvielfalt

Es ist ein grauer Tag in Bayreuth, wie so oft hier im Winter. Doch nachmittags besiegt die Sonne für eine kurze Weile die dicke Wolkendecke. Thomas Pickel sitzt vor dem Geo-Gebäude der Universität Bayreuth. Bei diesem Wetter hält den 27-Jährigen nichts drinnen. Auf die Frage, ob er zur Zeit überhaupt schlafe, antwortet er „Eher nicht“ […]

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Referendum could save Bavaria’s biodiversity

It is a grey, cloudy afternoon, as it is often the case during winter in Bayreuth. But then, the sun breaks through the thick blanket of clouds. Thomas Pickel is sitting in front of the GEO building at the University of Bayreuth. When the sun is out, nothing could keep the 27-year-old student inside. When […]

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A young girl with the wish to save our planet

“Every Friday, we sit outside the Swedish Parliament until Sweden is in line with the Paris Agreement.” Greta Thunberg has a defiant look in her eyes while she is speaking these words. Powerful words that have brought her a lot of attention during the last weeks. The 15-year old Swedish girl with two braids has […]

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