Faces of COP23
Wondering who were the people attending the COP23 last week? Check out GCE Student Jan Christopher Fischer interviews with the delegates! #COP23 Recap
Wondering who were the people attending the COP23 last week? Check out GCE Student Jan Christopher Fischer interviews with the delegates! #COP23 Recap
This year’s COP 23 sent a strong Climate Policy signal, with lots of pending actions to combat CC, to be finalized in next year’s COP24 in Poland.
Speeches by Angela Merkel, Emmanuel Macron and Enele Sopoaga address national Climate Commitments to combat CC.
In the context of the COP 23 forest day, representatives from Greenpeace, Imaflora and Imazon, which are part of the Amazon Environmental Research Institute gave an outline of their recent report on a pathway to zero deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. Presentation of the recent report: a pathway to zero deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon […]