Eine Unterschrift für den Erhalt der Artenvielfalt

Es ist ein grauer Tag in Bayreuth, wie so oft hier im Winter. Doch nachmittags besiegt die Sonne für eine kurze Weile die dicke Wolkendecke. Thomas Pickel sitzt vor dem Geo-Gebäude der Universität Bayreuth. Bei diesem Wetter hält den 27-Jährigen nichts drinnen. Auf die Frage, ob er zur Zeit überhaupt schlafe, antwortet er „Eher nicht“ […]

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Referendum could save Bavaria’s biodiversity

It is a grey, cloudy afternoon, as it is often the case during winter in Bayreuth. But then, the sun breaks through the thick blanket of clouds. Thomas Pickel is sitting in front of the GEO building at the University of Bayreuth. When the sun is out, nothing could keep the 27-year-old student inside. When […]

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A young girl with the wish to save our planet

“Every Friday, we sit outside the Swedish Parliament until Sweden is in line with the Paris Agreement.” Greta Thunberg has a defiant look in her eyes while she is speaking these words. Powerful words that have brought her a lot of attention during the last weeks. The 15-year old Swedish girl with two braids has […]

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Is Europe going to be plastic-free in the future?

Imagine this: you stroll through the supermarket, looking for cotton buds – but you can’t find the little plastic sticks. When you ask the shop assistants, they look at you as if you were coming from planet Mars and answer: “Don’t you know that plastic cotton buds are now forbidden?” This situation could happen soon. […]

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Inside a German Organization of Nature Conservation

The Landesnaturschutzverband Baden-Württemberg e.V. (LNV) In Baden-Württemberg, one of the 16 German states, there are 3 large nature conservation organizations: the BUND, the NABU and the LNV. LNV is an umbrella organization with 33 member organizations including nature conservation organizations, fishing, hunting and hiking organizations. “Sometimes there are conflicts between freetime activities like mountain biking, […]

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