Blog Journal: Heading north

After two nights in the relatively clean and quiet Windhoek, I was looking forward to seeing the rest of the country. And lo! Suddenly, dusty Savannah as far as the eye can see. The dry grass was gleaming golden in the sunlight, many leafless and dried out bushes and trees were growing on each side […]

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“Living with wildlife is not easy”

As mentioned in one of our articles about the study trip to Namibia, we had the chance to talk to John Kasaona, executive director of Integrated Rural Development and Nature Conservation (IRDNC) in Namibia. This organization wants to “link conservation to the social and economic development of the people who live with wildlife and other […]

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Blog-Journal: Excursion to Namibia

Today, two members of the blog, Katharina and Leonie, are going to go on an excursion to Namibia. We use the term excursion because it is not a random holiday or something similar but a research trip from university. So, it’s not going to be lying around at the beach, roaming around in the desert […]

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