Reflections on IPBES 9

This year, Global Change Ecology students had the opportunity to join representatives from 139 member states, high-profile stakeholders and NGOs in attending the ninth session of the Plenary of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES 9). Every year, this intergovernmental panel convenes to address the state of biodiversity and ecosystem services […]

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GCE Alumni (12): PhD at the Professorship of Ecological Services

The Elite Network of Bavaria master’s programme “Global Change Ecology” (GCE) started in 2006 at the University of Bayreuth. Since then, several GCE students have already completed their master´s degree. Interested to know about the career development and lives of our alumni, we started the GCE Alumni series of interviews last year. Here we cover […]

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2019 – The GCE Year in Review

The year 2019 is almost over. It was another fine and eventful year for GCE. Finally, it is time to look back: 28.04.2019 – 04.05.2019, Paris (France): 36 GCE students participated in the seventh plenary session of IPBES as “observers”. For more information click here 22.06.2019, Regensburg (Germany): GCE sent a football team to the […]

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Warning and hope for our common future: IPBES 7

Uni Bayreuth Global Change Ecology students at the Seventh Plenary Session of the UN World Biodiversity Council: “IPBES” and the “Global Assessment Report” “On the way to ecological insolvency” (spiegel-online), “One million species threatened by extinction” (, and “Humanity is eradicating nature from earth” (ZDFheute) were three among other similar headlines which suddenly appeared in […]

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Warnung und Hoffnung für unsere gemeinsame Zukunft: IPBES 7

Bayreuther „Global Change Ecology“-Studierende auf der siebten Vollversammlung des UN-Weltbiodiversitätsrats: „IPBES“ und der „Global Assessment Report“ „Auf dem Weg in die ökologische Insolvenz“ (spiegel-online), „Eine Million Arten vom Aussterben bedroht“ ( und „Menschheit tilgt die Natur von der Erde“ (ZDFheute) sind drei von weiteren ähnlichen Überschriften, die am Montag, dem 06. Mai 2019, in den […]

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Final version of the summary of the IPBES Global Assessment Report is now available

“Nature across most of the globe has now been significantly altered by multiple human drivers, with the great majority of indicators of ecosystems and biodiversity showing rapid decline.” (p. 11) “Human actions threaten more species with global extinction now than ever before.” (p. 11) “Climate change is a direct driver that is increasingly exacerbating the […]

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A review on the World Conference for Science Journalists

Media is under fire, worldwide. Science as well – at least in some countries. The rise of nationalism and protectionism lead to less confidence in scientific findings as well as to more mistrust towards media. Fake news is another factor impacting people’s trust in news and science. Therefore, it is even more important that high […]

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IPBES 7: How to express the proceeding catastrophe?

“Human actions threaten more species with global extinction now than ever before.” (p. 11) “Nature across most of the globe has now been significantly altered by multiple human drivers, with the great majority of indicators of ecosystems and biodiversity showing rapid decline.” (p. 11) “Climate change is a direct driver that is increasingly exacerbating the […]

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One conference – 132 languages?

At the IPBES-7 conference, 132 member states cooperated. How did communication work with such a variety of different countries and languages? As I wanted to know more about it, I went to the interpretation cabins in one of the lunch breaks and spoke with a technician who was sitting next to the interpreters and who […]

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