The SDGs Series (Goal 4): Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education for all

Education is the foundation upon which a prosperous and well-functioning society is built. On an individual basis, a quality education allows a person to cultivate the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to be engaged, productive, and self-governing citizens. This translates to enhanced socioeconomic status and empowerment, as well as reduced poverty and crime [1, 2, […]

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M.Sc. Global Change Ecology, University of Bayreuth, Germany – Application open until June 15th 2021

Dear Sir/Madam, We would like to advertise the application deadline this summer for an attractive and intense international MSc study program in Global Change Ecology at the University of Bayreuth in Germany. Either you in person or bachelor students and graduates around may be interested in this qualification. The program is devoted to understanding and […]

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Thank the Earth: “Kiss the Ground” Film Review

One day, while scrolling through a streaming service catalogue looking for something to watch, I came across this documentary, the name of which caught my attention: “Kiss the Ground.” I was promptly intrigued by the beautiful symbology. It made me think about gratitude for the planet, for the fact that I breathe, for the food […]

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Knowing vs. Changing

What changes behavior is much deeper than knowledge. Behavior change can be a complex equation of esteem, culture, support, prioritization and, particularly, access: choice is a prerequisite to change, and a lot of people don’t have access to an equivalent alternative, or REAL choice, in their lives (e.g. where they shop, what they eat, the clothes they wear, how they heat their homes).

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Internship at UDATA GmbH – Environment and Education

  Mysterious castles, beautiful hiking trails and fabulous wine festivals: For an internship, I moved to the beautiful Palatinate region in the very West of Germany for three months. The office of the small company UDATA – Environment and Education is located in the idyllic town Neustadt an der Weinstraße, which is situated 30 km […]

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