A Tough Nut to Crack: Saving the Planet One Meal at a Time

Disclaimer: This blog entry is the third of four on planetary health. Flexitarian, paleo, keto, vegan – with so many diverse diets out there and new ones seemingly being developed each year, finding your perfect fit can feel overwhelming. One recent addition to this list of diets is the Planetary Health Diet (PHD). This addition attempts to tackle two of […]

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GCE Excursion to Bamberg 2023

What an exciting (and early) morning! The new GCE cohort from 2023 met on the 13th of October 2023 at 7:45 am at the GEO bus stop to start our first trip together as the new cohort. Together with Prof. Köllner, we got to explore interesting and beautiful places in Upper Franconia, an area that […]

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GCE Alumni (11): Fire Management, Peatlands and Climate Change Specialist at FAO

The Elite Network of Bavaria master’s programme “Global Change Ecology” (GCE) started in 2006 at the University of Bayreuth. Since then, several GCE students have already completed their master´s degree. Interested to know about the career development and lives of our alumni, we started the GCE Alumni series of interviews last year. Here we cover […]

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GCE Alumni (10): Senior Associate at KPMG Germany

The master´s programme “Global Change Ecology” (GCE) started in 2006. Since that time, some GCE students have already completed their Master´s degree.We are interested to know what has been happening in the lives of our former GCE students. A few GCE alumni told us about GCE and how their careers have continued after they had […]

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MSc GCE Welcomes New Coordinator

In addition to 28 new students, the MSc Global Change Ecology program welcomed a new coordinator this winter semester! Sylvia Sprödhuber has joined Stephanie Thomas in GCE Coordination as a successor to former coordinator Anja Jaeschke. Sylvia additionally works as a coordinator of the Bayreuth-Melbourne Colloid/Polymer Network in the International Office at the University of Bayreuth. Previously she was already […]

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GCE Hike 2020

Following a special – and why not to say “atypical” – semester, this past Saturday (25.07.20) the GCE Get Together finally happened The current Summer Semester 2020 has been a peculiar semester for everyone in the academic community. An important time for learning, being comprehensive and active, at the same as being responsible about the […]

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Klimawald Bayreuth: About planting trees and seeing change

„I feel responsibility for the project”, Kun Woo Ro says. He is sitting in the Asia section of the Ecological-Botanical Garden in Bayreuth, on a bench surrounded by blooming Rhododendron bushes. Yellow, orange and pink flowers are turning this part of the garden into a colourful idyll. The project he is talking about is “Klimawald […]

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Summendes Bayreuth: Studenten im Einsatz für die Biodiversität

„Es ist nicht deine Schuld, dass die Welt ist wie sie ist! Es wär nur deine Schuld, wenn sie so bleibt!“ Lauthals singen die „Summer“ in der kleinen gefliesten Küche mit, als der bekannte Ärzte-Song aus den Lautsprechern schallt, die auf einem Schränkchen stehen. Einige tanzen mit nacktem Oberkörper, es ist warm und stickig. Deine […]

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How students take the first step for biodiversity

„It is not your fault, the world is at it is. It would just be your fault if she stayed like this!” At the top of their voices, the “Summers” are singing the lyrics of the famous song of the German band “Die Ärzte”in the small, tiled kitchen. Some of them have taken off their […]

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Eine Unterschrift für den Erhalt der Artenvielfalt

Es ist ein grauer Tag in Bayreuth, wie so oft hier im Winter. Doch nachmittags besiegt die Sonne für eine kurze Weile die dicke Wolkendecke. Thomas Pickel sitzt vor dem Geo-Gebäude der Universität Bayreuth. Bei diesem Wetter hält den 27-Jährigen nichts drinnen. Auf die Frage, ob er zur Zeit überhaupt schlafe, antwortet er „Eher nicht“ […]

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