GCE Alumni (11): Fire Management, Peatlands and Climate Change Specialist at FAO

The Elite Network of Bavaria master’s programme “Global Change Ecology” (GCE) started in 2006 at the University of Bayreuth. Since then, several GCE students have already completed their master´s degree. Interested to know about the career development and lives of our alumni, we started the GCE Alumni series of interviews last year. Here we cover […]

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Do you want to talk about the climate?

Leading conversations about climate change and sharing personal stories allows not only for supporting a social mandate for climate policies, but also creates an opportunity for you to learn something new from a stranger, friend, or relative.

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Insights into Marine Research

MSc GCE Student Karina Krapf joined the Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Research last summer. This was her second time joining this team. Here, Karina shares a brief update on her experience.

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GCE Alumni (10): Senior Associate at KPMG Germany

The master´s programme “Global Change Ecology” (GCE) started in 2006. Since that time, some GCE students have already completed their Master´s degree.We are interested to know what has been happening in the lives of our former GCE students. A few GCE alumni told us about GCE and how their careers have continued after they had […]

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Study for life

In 2006, the first year of the international master’s program “Global Change Ecology” (GCE) within the Elite Network of Bavaria began its studies. Since then, several cohorts have completed their studies. Preparations are already underway for the newest year 2020, which will bring together students from all over the world in Bayreuth this autumn. Several […]

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Studieren für das Leben

2006 nahm der erste Jahrgang des internationalen Masterstudienganges „Global Change Ecology“ (GCE) im Elitenetzwerk Bayern sein Studium auf. Seitdem haben einige Jahrgänge das Studium abgeschlossen und es laufen bereits die Vorbereitungen für den neuesten Jahrgang 2020, welcher aus der ganzen Welt im Herbst in Bayreuth zusammenkommen wird. Mehrere GCE-Alumni berichteten über ihre Zeit nach dem […]

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Klimawald Bayreuth Wins Blauer Kompass 2020 Competition

Blauer Kompass is a competition hosted by the German Federal Environment Agency with the aim of honoring projects which address the consequences of climate change. Winners receive press coverage and publicity. This year’s competition received over 160 applications for three different categories: private and municipal companies, research and educational institutions, and associations and foundations. There […]

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GCE Alumni (8): Climate journalist for “Tagesspiegel”

The master´s programme “Global Change Ecology” (GCE) started in 2006. Since that time, some GCE students have already completed their Master´s degree.We are interested to know what has been happening in the lives of our former GCE students. A few GCE alumni told us about GCE and how their careers have continued after they had […]

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EuroScience Open Forum, Trieste 2020

The EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF) is a biennial gathering of diverse participants from scientific, political, journalistic, and other backgrounds. The event provides a unique opportunity to share, discuss and debate the latest advancements in science as well as explore the ethical, regulatory, social, and political aspects of emerging technologies. I was fortunate to attend the […]

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