GCE Alumni (3): Lecturer at the German University Bangladesh

The master´s programme “Global Change Ecology” (GCE) started in 2006. Since that time, some GCE students have already completed their Master´s degree.We are interested to know what has been happening in the lives of our former GCE students. A few GCE alumni told us about GCE and how their careers have continued after they had […]

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GCE Alumni (2): Consultant at the sustainable AG

The master´s programme “Global Change Ecology” (GCE) started in 2006. Since that time, some GCE students have already completed their Master´s degree.We are interested to know what has been happening in the lives of our former GCE students. A few GCE alumni told us about GCE and how their careers have continued after they had […]

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GCE Alumni (1): PostDoc at the University of Greifswald

The master´s programme “Global Change Ecology” (GCE) started in 2006. Since that time, some GCE students have already completed their Master´s degree.We are interested to know what has been happening in the lives of our former GCE students. A few GCE alumni told us about GCE and how their careers have continued after they had […]

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GCE History: First Year (2006)

Manuel Steinbauer, Professor of Sport Ecology at the University of Bayreuth since 2019, was a student of GCE the very first year it began, 2006. The GCE blog team was able to conduct an interview with the GCE alumni, which included recollections from the beginnings of the master’s degree programme “Global Change Ecology”. Manuel Steinbauer […]

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GCE-Geschichte: Erster Jahrgang (2006)

Manuel Steinbauer, seit 2019 Professor für Sportökologie an der Universität Bayreuth, gehörte zu den Studierenden des allerersten GCE-Jahrgangs 2006. Der GCE-Blog konnte ein Interview mit dem GCE-Alumni führen, wobei es auch um die Anfänge des Masterstudiengangs „Global Change Ecology“ (GCE) ging. Manuel Steinbauer erzählte begeistert von der keinen Gruppe des ersten Jahrgangs, der damals noch […]

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Application deadline for winter term 2020/2021: 15 June 2020

The application deadline for the winter term 2020/2021 is approaching: GCE looks forward to receive applications by 15 June 2020.You can find more information about the application requirements and process here.If you cannot find your question in our FAQs, please feel free to contact the GCE coordination. We are looking forward to your application and […]

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„Klimawald“ – Climate tolerant forests

The consequences of climate change can no longer be overlooked in some of Germany’s forests. To address this, three students from the international master’s program “Global Change Ecology” (GCE) in the Elite Network of Bavaria initiated the “Klimawald” project. Together with around 250 helpers, they planted seedlings of climate-tolerant tree species in a forest area […]

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„Klimawald“ – Klimatolerante Wälder

Die Folgen des Klimawandels sind in einigen Wäldern Deutschlands nicht mehr zu übersehen. Um dem etwas entgegenzusetzen, initiierten drei Studierende des internationalen Masterstudiengangs „Global Change Ecology“ (GCE) im Elitenetzwerk Bayern das Projekt „Klimawald“. Zusammen mit etwa 250 HelferInnen pflanzten sie Setzlinge klimatoleranter Baumarten auf einer Waldfläche in Bayreuth ein. Das Interesse an dem Projekt ist […]

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From GCE student to professor

With the lecture “Understanding biodiversity dynamics – from human dominated systems to the fossil record”, Prof. Dr. Manuel Steinbauer presented his previous research work and discussed the focus of his new professorship “Sport Ecology” at the Bayreuth Center for Ecology and Environmental Research (BayCEER). The former student of the “Global Change Ecology” (GCE) master’s program […]

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Vom GCE-Studierenden zum Professor

Mit dem Vortrag „Understanding biodiversity dynamics – from human dominated systems to the fossil record” stellte Prof. Dr. Manuel Steinbauer im Bayreuther Zentrum für Ökologie und Umweltforschung (BayCEER) seine bisherigen Forschungsarbeiten vor und erörterte die Schwerpunkte seiner neuen Professur „Sportökologie“. Der ehemalige Studierende des Masterstudienganges „Global Change Ecology“ (GCE) im Elitenetzwerk Bayern wird somit zukünftig […]

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