How to Tackle Climate Change with Green COVID-19 Recovery Packages

Context The coronavirus pandemic has affected societies, governments and economies across the world. Due to the numerous restrictions put in place to deal with this health crisis, many businesses are struggling, and layoffs are unavoidable in some areas. These pandemic restrictions have led to a temporary decrease in carbon emissions which has unexpectedly caused some […]

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Alternative Economic and Monetary Systems (AEMS) Summer School 2020

An important element of the Global Change Ecology master program is active participation in science schools. This allows students to delve deeper into subjects that interest them, or perhaps to learn more about topics they are not familiar with. These courses also provide an opportunity for students to make connections and develop a strong international […]

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The 8th Way to Think Like a 21st Century Economist – Part 1 of 3

In her bestselling book ‘Doughnut Economics: seven ways to think like a 21st century economist’, economist Kate Raworth advises that we repurpose economics to fulfill humanity’s  goals for the 21st century, and proposes seven mindset shifts to this end.  At the center of her proposal is the doughnut, a simple visual tool expressing the safe space  […]

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