COP21 - 2015

Negotiating(Evolving) CDM-practices – PART 2…



CMP 11 agenda item 4

Issues relating to the clean development mechanism

9 December 2015

Guidance relating to the CDM for the Executive Board of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM EB);

  1. Requests the Executive Board to analyse the need for measures to ensure the continued participation of designated operational entities in the clean development mechanism, in particular in the regions underrepresented in the clean development mechanism, taking into account paragraph 28 below
  1. Decides to allow the submission of a request for the revision of a baseline and monitoring methodology without a draft project or programme design document in cases where the Executive Board considers that the assessment of such a request can be conducted without the project-specific information;
  1. Requests the Executive Board to implement paragraph 12 above by revising the relevant regulations;

  1. Requests the Executive Board to consider developing a standardized registration template using objective criteria for activities that qualify as automatically additional; see full documentCDM_CMP_11

(why  paragraphs get deformed,evolve or  deleted )

This dialog below concerns paragraph 11 and 12, but it happend throughout the document, 12 paragraphs were either deleted or changed reducing a 40 paragraphed document to 28 .

Comments that reshape agreements
Comments that reshape agreements

-Moses Duguru

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Global Change Ecology M.Sc. is devoted to understanding and analyzing the most important and consequential environmental concern of the 21st century; namely, Global Change. Problems of an entirely new and interdisciplinary nature require the establishment of innovative approaches in research and education. A special program focus is the linking of natural science perspectives on global change with approaches in social science disciplines.

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