GCE Excursion to Bamberg 2023

What an exciting (and early) morning! The new GCE cohort from 2023 met on the 13th of October 2023 at 7:45 am at the GEO bus stop to start our first trip together as the new cohort. Together with Prof. Köllner, we got to explore interesting and beautiful places in Upper Franconia, an area that […]

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Empowering the Young – Visiting the LCOY Climate Conference 2023

Although Climate Change is a central topic in the GCE program, some aspects cannot be understood within the bubble of Bayreuth’s lecture halls. From 6th to 9th of October, Flemming, Luisa and Anna attended the Local Conference of Youth (LCOY) in Munich. Over 1500 students, pupils, and young people met to network and exchange ideas […]

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Citizen science: when scientists and communities come together

Today, our natural world is suffering rapid alterations at large scales as consequence of environmental problems like climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution. Impacts like warming temperatures, modified rainfall patterns, as well as droughts and extreme events can shift species historic habitat ranges, as they “follow” livable conditions; or these impacts can also be factors […]

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From Bayreuth to Sharm-el-Sheikh: GCEs at COP27

23 Global Change Ecology (GCE) students* from the University of Bayreuth were granted the privilege of participating as observers in the 27th Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Sharm-el-Sheikh, Egypt, from November 6th to 19th 2022. COP conferences broadly provide a platform for negotiating international […]

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Brazilian Biomes: Intro Series

In all its 8.5 million km² [1], Brazil contains six continental biomes: the Amazônia, the Pantanal, the Cerrado, the Caatinga, the Pampas, and the Mata Atlântica (Figure below). Each of these biomes have their own peculiarities, located in different climatic zones and hosting a wide variety of animal and plant species. Since the arrival of […]

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CALL FOR APPLICATIONS for the M.Sc. Global Change Ecology

Apply now for the master’s programme Global Change Ecology at the University of Bayreuth, an interdisciplinary graduate programme that deals with global change and its environmental, ecological and societal aspects. It aims to train highly qualified leaders for tasks and problem solving in science, environmental protection and political or economic decision making. Part of the […]

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The SDGs Series (Goal 6): Clean Water and Sanitation for all

        Water is a natural resource that is indispensable for life on the planet. Known as the Blue Planet, Earth has 71% of its surface covered by water. Nevertheless, out of the total amount of water present on our planet, 97% is in the oceans and only 3% is freshwater; this last comprising water in glaciers […]

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ABC of Climate Justice

Climate justice is social justice Have you ever asked yourself what does a jaguar or a tree have in common with you? My short answer would be that we live in the same house called Earth, that our food comes from the same soil, and we all need water every day to live. Being on […]

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The Global Risks Report 2022: A call for awakening

The COVID-19 pandemic has had unprecedented impacts across various spheres. To this day, the world is still trying to recover from the damages the pandemic has caused, while also trying to stop further negative impacts. Last month World Economic Forum released the 17th edition of the Global Risks Report. As every year, the report assesses […]

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