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Apply now for a scholarship to attend the European Forum Alpbach

Fill up your bag of ideas and apply until March 30th, 2018! The European Forum Alpbach 2018 (EFA18) comes back this year in Tirol, Austria and invites you to apply now! Haven’t heard about Alpbach before? Then let yourself be surprised!

Giving youth a voice since 1945

The European Forum Alpbach is a think-tank and interdisciplinary platform for science, politics, business and culture established in 1945. Every year it addresses relevant socio-political questions of our time in a fun, interactive andopen way to inspire social debates.

This year’s EFA18: Diversity and resilience

In 2018, the EFA will be all about “Diversity and Resilience”: an extremely relevant topic that defines our age of rapid transformations. Now more than ever we hear from all possible sides how systems are changing and questions arise whether diversity in financial, technological, human and environmental terms is or not driving the change and whether or not it can provide resilience, prosperity and success for manifold human and environmental systems.

International evening at the European Forum Alpbach 2017. Photo source: EFA Flickr.

Participate as an scholarship-holder

As a scholarship-holder sponsored by the European Forum Alpbach you will have an unforgettable academic and social learning experience! You will witness how think-tanks can foster international dialogue and gather young agents of change to share their ideas, passion and motivation – Carla Madueño, EFA17 participant

Students willing to expand their bag of ideas are encouraged to apply, as topics range from sustainability issues to ethics in economics, grassroots politics and social movements, law, technology and development, education, finances and markets, and many more.

Don’t miss out the opportunity to meet fascinating people from all over the world and spread the momentum for change in the heart of the Austrian Alps.

EFA18 Flyer – Source

What are you waiting for?

Apply until March 30, 2018 (11:59 noon CET). If not convinced yet, get inspired & watch the video here.

Application links


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Peruvian Biologist graduated at the LMU Munich, with great interest in Latinamerican Conservation and Tropical Biodiversity. Youth Ambassador 2018 by Global Landscapes Forum, happy to share my insights with the GCE Blog!

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